ISTAP is pleased to announce that the special issue of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA) Journal of Wound Management (JOWM) on skin tears has just been published
The International Skin Tears Advisory Panel (ISTAP) collaborated with EWMA to create this Special issue on Current advances in risk assessment, prevention and treatment of skin tears, which includes nine original manuscripts:
Van Tiggelen H, Beeckman D (Corresponding author)
Varga M A (Corresponding author), LeBlanc K, Whitehead L
Jansz C (Corresponding author), Ross A, Cleary S
Deprez J (Corresponding author), Fourie A, Beeckman D
Charbonneau L (Corresponding author), Probst S, Gethin G
Douglas R, Fraser J (Corresponding author)
Hill R H (Corresponding author), Smith S L
Formosa E (Corresponding author), Holloway S
Bell C (Corresponding author)
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