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Release Form for Photographs, Diagrams, and Figures

ISTAP Release Form for Diagrams and Figures

International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP) wholly owns the rights to certain photos, diagrams, and figures related to skin tears that may be released to others for the purpose of republishing on their websites, as part of promotions, and/or for research related to skin tears. The purpose of this form is to request the release of certain diagrams and figures owned by ISTAP.  

The releasee is responsible for obtaining permission from ISTAP (the Releasor) prior to downloading or using any diagrams and/or figures owned by ISTAP.  All liability for this permission shall remain with ISTAP. 

The Releasor must be provided with a credit for any published photos, diagrams, or figures as requested below. Moreover, all photos will include a watermark with the ISTAP logo.

Permission is only granted through email or written permission by the ISTAP President to the releasee listed on this form. 

Please enter your (releasee) contact information below.

If you are requesting the release of the figure(s) and/or diagram(s) on behalf of an organization, company, or facility, please complete the following information:


For any questions, please email


© 2023 International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP).

All Rights Reserved.

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In January 2016, ISTAP became an official interest group of Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC).

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